"Audio Love Letter"


"Audio Love Letter"

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AUDIO LOVE LETTER:  Poi Dog Pondering  2011

This is a spontaneous 7 song mini album, send salutations to a few random midnight inspirations. A loose limbed, spontaneous quick draw salute, to a few super inspirational folks in no particular order...  Steve Marriott, Jeremy Brett, Van Morrison, Matt Johnson & David Bowie...aw fuck... there's no rhyme or reason to it, it's just a mini album for the pure fun of it... to send some love up into it all... like hot air into the ballon of love...      ... dig?! 

Track list:
Steve Marriott (PDP)
Sweet Thing (Van Morrison)
Jeremy Brett (PDP)
Uncertain Smile (The The)
Young and Wilde (PDP)
Win (David Bowie)
Starlight (PDP)